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 Afterschool multisports


How does it all work?


At St John's

After school the children in year 1 are  brought to the Barn by their teacher where they get changed and have a snack before starting at 3.30.  Older year groups make their own way there. Activities are either in the Barn, the school field or the Orchard depending on the weather.The session finishes at 4.30pm.


At Theydon

After school the children in year 1 are brought by their teacher either to the hall if we are inside or to Purlieu class if we are going outside, to get changed and have a snack. Year 2 and 3 meet us there. The session finishes at 4.20pm.


You are welcome to provide a small snack to eat before we start. A drink is essential especially in the Summer as the children get very hot and we lose less time if they have their drink with them and they can then also have a drink whenever they are thirsty. We do not allow fizzy drinks.


Please ensure that your child has their school PE kit with them including shoes that can be worn outside and a warm fleece and jogging bottoms for cooler weather.


Our preferred method of communication is by email. When completing your registration form please ensure that your email address is clearly written so you do not miss out on important information.


We will also send out new registration forms by Parent Mail each term and they should also bring a paper copy home in their bookbag at the end of each term.  


At the beginning of each school year we take bookings on a first-come, first-served basis. Any children on the waiting list are guaranteed a place the following term and other places are again allocated on a first-come, first served basis.  Parents are therefore advised to get their registration form in to the school office as early as possible to ensure their child has a place.

Parents can register their children via the Magic Booking website linked above


Payment is required at the beginning of the term and the cost varies according to the number of weeks in the term.

Payment can be made by via the Magic Booking website OR 

BACS bank transfer, Sort code 09 01 28  Account Number 39542167 .


Contact: Caroline 07990 515986 or Simon 07540 084785 / Email:

Allsports Kids Ltd is a company registered in England. Reg. No. 07618586.  

The registered office address is Andrew Bowtle MAAT Ltd, Suites 1-4, High Road, Ongar, Essex, CM5 9AA

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